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At Dover College we utilise the Google Suite for Education, which allows us to deliver a rich and interactive educational experience to pupils even if they are not physically at school. Senior School pupils follow their regular school timetable, with lessons delivered through Google Meet and Google Classroom at the times their lessons would normally happen. Our range of Academic Enrichment and Co-Curricular Activities mean that our Distance Learning provision is more than just lessons. 


You will find below a brief description of our distance learning provision across the Prep School, tailored to the age and stage of development of each pupil group.






Our distance learning system is entirely web based and can be accessed from a range of internet capable devices (desktop computers, laptops, tablets and even mobile phones). 







Pupils should follow their regular school timetable for distance learning each day. Live lessons will take place, via Google Meet, at the times at which they would normally be in the classroom. Pupils simply need to log in to Google Classroom at the start of each class and click on the permanent link to Meet to join the video lesson







The Academic Enrichment and Co-Curricular Activities pages provide a range of additional resources pupils may choose to access.






Our Technical Support page includes 'How to' guides, as well as details on how to get additional support from our IT Team.

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